Today, dental implants have become the top choice for reconstructing one or more missing teeth, and it’s not hard to understand why. They offer patients countless valuable benefits over traditional dentures, from revitalizing oral health to seamless aesthetic quality to exceptional durability that can last for a lifetime. Here at Michel Dental, our dentists would like nothing more than to help you enjoy a complete smile again. That’s why we’re proud to offer custom-made implant dentures in Topeka & Silver Lake to help patients regain full, confident smiles. Contact Michel Dental today at either one of our convenient locations to schedule an implant denture consultation!
While a regular denture sits on top of the gums or clasps behind remaining teeth, an implant denture is secured onto a small number of dental implant posts that have been placed directly in the jawbone. As a result, they provide strength and stability comparable to that of natural teeth. Depending on your personal preferences, your implant dentures can be either fixed in place or removable.
Many patients prefer the easy maintenance of fixed implant dentures. Because you can brush and floss them like real teeth, and they feel incredibly natural, you might even forget that your implant dentures aren’t real teeth!
If you’re already used to the routine of taking your dentures out for cleaning purposes, we can place small attachments on top of your implants to make your denture removable.
Before you can begin the implant denture process, we’ll need to have a consultation to ensure you’re eligible. Some patients have to undergo preliminary procedures beforehand, such as tooth extractions or bone grafts. Once we’ve gotten these treatments squared away, we can schedule your dental implant surgery.
To make sure you receive the highest quality of care, our team partners with a network of experienced implant dentists in Topeka & Silver Lake for the surgery. After your mouth is numbed, an average of four to six implant posts are inserted into your jaw. These posts will merge with the surrounding bone and tissue over the next few months, creating a foundation strong enough to support your denture. Once this process is complete, you’ll return to Michel Dental to have your custom prosthetic placed. In some cases, patients can have this restoration placed on the same day as the initial surgery!
When considering implant dentures, you should ask yourself the following questions:
If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then chances are you’re a good candidate for dental implants in Topeka & Silver Lake. However, you’ll still have to attend a consultation to be sure.
Because of the way the dentures are designed and the way the dental implants become part of the jawbone, your new set of pearly whites will look and feel remarkably lifelike. You’ll also be able to eat virtually anything you want without worry of your prosthetic slipping or falling out, making it easier than ever to maintain a healthy diet. The implant posts stimulate your jaw to prevent bone loss. Lastly, you can take care of implant dentures in almost the exact same way that you care for natural teeth.
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