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Dental Implant Failure and Salvage – Topeka & Silver Lake, KS

Protecting Your Smile After Dental Implants Fail

Since dental implants have a success rate of 95%, you can rest assured that the odds of your new teeth failing are very low. However, if something does happen to go wrong with your dental implant posts, Dr. Michel and Dr. Weber are ready to help you figure out your best salvage options. Please call our office right away if you notice any possible signs of dental implant failure; the sooner you act, the better chance you’ll have of saving your new smile!

Why Choose Michel Dental for Dental Implant Salvage?

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

Illustration of lower arch with failed dental implant in Topeka & Silver Lake, KS

Dental implant failure can often be a consequence of the implant posts being unable to form a lasting bond with the jawbone. Additionally, your dental implants (or the tissues around them) might be damaged by physical trauma.

However, the most common reason that dental implants fail is peri-implantitis. This is a type of gum disease that specifically occurs around dental implant posts. Bacteria attack the bone and gum tissues supporting the implants, deteriorating them over time. This can eventually cause the implant posts to come loose or even fall out.

Symptoms of Failed Dental Implants

Close-up of man rubbing jaw in pain

No matter whether dental implant failure happens shortly after the initial placement or years afterward, the symptoms it causes will typically include:

How Dental Implant Salvage Works

Man in blue shirt sitting in dental chair

The dental implant salvage process can vary from patient to patient. We’ll need to examine your mouth and determine the underlying cause of the problem before we can recommend any sort of treatment.

While you might be able to keep your dental implant posts in some cases, there are situations where they’ll need to be removed so that the issue can be properly dealt with. The good news is that you may be eligible for new dental implant posts once your mouth is healthy again.