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Replace Missing Teeth With Fixed Bridges

March 29, 2013

You can lose your teeth for a variety of reasons. No matter whether the cause was an accident, injury, gum disease, or aging, there is help. At Michel Dental, we offer fixed bridges to help replace your missing teeth and maintain the health of the rest of your teeth.

It is important to replace missing teeth to restore function to your smile, correct your bite, and prevent the rest of your teeth from shifting to fill the gap. Since everyone has different smile needs, we offer a variety of bridge solutions to be able to help all of our patients.

A bridge is composed of the false teeth used to replace your missing teeth. The method used will depend on the health of your remaining teeth and the location of the missing teeth in your smile. Your bridge could be placed by using crowns on healthy neighboring teeth to anchor it in your smile. If the neighboring teeth aren’t healthy enough to support this, we can use dental implants and insert a metal post into your jaw to attach the bridge.

It is important to make sure you take care of your fixed bridge as you would your other natural teeth. With the proper care and attention, it may last about eight to ten years. Fixed bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.


Restore Decay in a Beautiful Way With Tooth-Colored Fillings

March 15, 2013

Last time, we talked about cosmetic restorative dentistry and the variety of treatments we have available to help make your smile both beautiful and healthy. Today we’re going to discuss one of those treatments in more detail: tooth-colored fillings.

Fillings are used to restore your teeth and repair the damage from cavities and decay. If your fillings are dark or made of metal, you may not be satisfied with your smile. At , we offer tooth-colored fillings so that we can restore your teeth and keep them looking natural and beautiful.

Tooth-colored fillings use composite resin to help restore your teeth. Since this is a metal-free material, we can match it to your natural teeth color, so that no one will be able to tell you had any work done at all. Also, the bond between the composite material and your tooth will help to strengthen it and help protect against future damages. We try and practice conservative dentistry, so the more natural tooth structure you are able to keep, the healthier your teeth will be.

If you have decayed teeth or have dark colored fillings, tooth-colored fillings are a great solution for your smile. Give us a call to see how simple this can be. We want all our patients to have beautiful smiles that make them happy.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Cosmetic Restorative Dentistry from Dr. Michel

February 26, 2013

It is important that your teeth are both beautiful and functional. Cosmetic restorative dentistry from Dr. Michel is a great way to ensure this. We will repair damage and restore your teeth, while also ensuring that your smile looks attractive as well.

Dr. Michel focuses on your smile as a whole and thus views cosmetic and restorative dentistry as being interconnected. He feels that all restorative dentistry should also help to improve the appearance of your teeth, as well as repairing the damage that brought you into the office originally.

We offer a variety of cosmetic restorative dental services, including the following:

No matter what your smile needs, we’re here to get your smile functional and looking beautiful. We offer services such as tooth-colored fillings that blend the restorative with the cosmetic. Not only will any damage or decay to your teeth be restored, but it will be performed in an esthetically pleasing manner.

If cosmetic restorative dentistry sounds like something you’d be interested in, give us a call to schedule a consultation and learn more. We want all our patients to have a healthy and beautiful set of teeth.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Endodontics and Root Canals in Topeka, KS

February 12, 2013

Here at Michel Dental, we also practice endodontics. This is a special type of dentistry that focuses on the inside of your tooth. This is a soft, sensitive area and can cause you discomfort to alert you that something is wrong. A root canal is a common form of endodontic dentistry.

The inside portion, or pulp, of your tooth is soft, sensitive, and surrounded by a hard protective enamel. When decay or damage weakens your tooth, it makes it possible for bacteria to travel through to the soft pulp inside and cause an infection. You will know if your tooth is infected because it will be painful as there are a lot of nerves in the inner portion of your tooth.

If your tooth is infected, it can be treated using endodontics. The sooner it’s treated, the better, because if ignored the infection could spread and result in you losing a tooth or bones.

Dr. Michel will treat your infected tooth with root canal therapy to remove the infected portion of your tooth and fill it with a biocompatible material to help prevent further infections. Finally, it will be capped with a crown to help protect against future infection and leave you with a strong, healthy tooth. We try our best to make the procedure as comfortable as possible for our patients.

If you have a pain in your tooth, you could need root canal therapy. Please call our office to learn more and to schedule your appointment for endodontic dentistry.

At Michel Dental, we offer quality dental care for a distinctive smile. Our Topeka dental office serves patients from Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your appointment.


How to Choose the Right Mouthwash for Your Needs

September 12, 2012

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — tntadmin @ 7:00 am

When it comes to home care, brushing and flossing are what you hear about the most, while the topic of mouthwash rarely gets mentioned. As a result, you may think rinsing with mouthwash isn’t all that important. Or, just as possible, maybe you know it’s important but you just don’t know what kind is right for you.

Today, we’d like to address both of these positions and offer some advice on what to look for the next time you’re in the oral hygiene aisle of your local grocery story or pharmacy.

First, is using a mouthwash important?

The answer to that question will vary with every person, but broadly speaking, the answer is yes. An antibacterial mouthwash can give your smile extra protection from bacteria, plaque, and gingivitis. That doesn’t mean rinsing with a mouthwash should ever a substitute for brushing and flossing, but it does mean that patient who brush and floss daily can enjoy extra protection for their smile with a mouthwash.

Second, what kind is right for you?

As we just mentioned, an antibacterial mouthwash supports daily brushing and flossing. But not every mouthwash on the market was designed to meet the same need. Some are made only to hide bad breath, while others use fluoride to strengthen teeth. Still others are meant to combat dry mouth symptoms, sensitivity, or teeth stains. So the key to choosing the right mouthwash is knowing what your needs are and keeping your eyes wide open as you shop.

And don’t be afraid to ask Dr. Michel or another member of our Michel Dental team for a recommendation. We would be happy to help you find the right mouthwash. Call us today with your questions or to reserve an appointment with us. We serve patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.

A New School Year Means It’s Time for a Back-to-School Checkup

August 29, 2012

In many parts of the country, school has already started or is just around the corner. That makes now a busy time for children and their parents, especially when it comes to buying new clothes for the fall or stocking up on school supplies. But as busy as this time is, if you’re a parent, now is still a great time for you to schedule a back-to-school checkup for your child with Michel Dental.

Why Is Now a Good Time for a Back-to-School Checkup?

Despite how busy life is now, the next few months are likely to get busier. With homework and school projects competing against extracurricular activities like sports or theater, finding a free moment to bring your child in to Michel Dental can be almost impossible.

But right now, with the school year just starting, time is not as scarce as it might soon be.

What Happens During a Back-to-School Checkup?

A back-to-school checkup at Michel Dental is just like any other regular checkup. Besides including a comprehensive oral exam, Dr. Michel and his Topeka team will also give your child’s smile a professional cleaning. And if we need to, we can recommend a follow-up service to treat things like cavities, gum disease, or any other common oral health condition.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment Today

Don’t wait any longer to schedule your child’s back-to-school checkup. Call Michel Dental today. Dr. Michel proudly serves patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.

Effective Relief from Sleep Apnea and Snoring

July 31, 2012

Filed under: Sleep Apnea — Tags: , , , , , , , — tntadmin @ 7:16 am

Does snoring or sleep apnea keep you or your partner from enjoying a restful night of sleep? At Michel Dental, we hate to see any of our patients struggle with such a common but underdiagnosed problem. So to help our patients in the Topeka area overcome snoring and sleep apnea, Dr. Michel offers treatment with the patented Oasys Sleep Snoring Device.

You may be wondering, though, why—not to mention how—the Oasys Sleep Snoring Device treats sleep apnea and snoring?

The reason is simple: sleep apnea and snoring often go hand-in-hand. There are always exceptions, of course, but many cases of sleep apnea are caused by the blockage of important airways, whether by the tongue or the lower jaw. The snoring sound we’re all so familiar with is a secondary result of this blockage, after trouble breathing.

A custom-made Oasys Sleep Snoring Device works by repositioning the lower jaw or tongue to keep airways open throughout the night, putting a stop to both the snoring and the breathing problems caused by sleep apnea.

Have you previously been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are in need of treatment? Does your partner complain about your loud snoring? Call Michel Dental today to find out how Dr. Michel and our team can help. We gladly serve patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan and beyond.


Enjoy a Straighter, Whiter Smile with Porcelain Veneers

July 26, 2012

If you’ve ever explored our website or visited our Topeka dental office then you may have heard of porcelain veneers. They’re currently one of the popular services of their kind, with patients everywhere turning to them for help enhancing their smiles. And while patients have all kinds of reasons for choosing them, we’d like to spend today’s post focusing on just two.

Reason #1

First, because of how porcelain veneers work, patients with crooked or oddly spaced teeth may want to consider porcelain veneers over braces. Imagine having a beautiful, straighter-looking smile in just two or three appointments instead of the year or more it can take to complete treatment with orthodontics. Porcelain veneers only affect front teeth, though, so before you decide for sure that porcelain veneers are what you want, we recommend letting Dr. Michel take a look at your smile. During a consultation appointment at our Topeka office, he can help you determine if porcelain veneers really are the best choice for you.

Reason #2

Patients who want a whiter smile but have been disappointed by the results of professional teeth whitening may also want to consider porcelain veneers. Even the most powerful whitening system available can have trouble cutting through certain stains, like the stains caused by a prescription medication. But with porcelain veneers, Dr. Michel can help his Topeka patients achieve a dazzlingly white smile, with no follow-up whitening appointments or touch-ups at home necessary.

Why Are You Considering Porcelain Veneers?

Do you have a different reason for considering porcelain veneers? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Call Michel Dental today to schedule your consultation appointment. Dr. Michel gladly serves patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and beyond.


Treat Gum Disease with Advanced Periodontal Therapies Like Arestin

June 25, 2012

At Michel Dental, we want all our Topeka-area patients to have beautiful, healthy smiles. But for some patients, achieving that goal is more difficult than it is for others. That’s why Dr. Michael Michel has made it a priority to offer advanced periodontal care. Through effective, non-surgical gum disease treatment, we can help you reclaim your oral health and support overall health.

Advanced, Non-Surgical Care to Meet Your Needs

To meet the needs of our patients, Dr. Michel uses three effective means of treating gum disease:

Each of these lets us target an aspect of gum disease, resulting improved health for you. Arestin in particular is an effective tool in the fight against periodontal disease.

Arestin is a concentrated antibiotic that Dr. Michel places directly where you need it. It uses microscopic, medicine-filled spheres to deliver treatment over a series of days, making it more effective than just a basic in-office treatment with scaling and root planing.

Are you interested in learning more about periodontal therapy from Michel Dental? Dr. Michel would be happy to answer your questions during a consultation visit. Call us today if you’d like to set up an appointment. Our office serves patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.


How Does Dr. Michel Diagnose TMJ Disorder?

May 15, 2012

When you see your doctor for a diagnosis, one of the first things you want to know is how he or she is going to make that diagnosis. What kinds of tests will be needed? Will be they invasive or uncomfortable? And just as important, will they be trustworthy?

At Michel Dental in Topeka, Dr. Michael Michel uses joint vibration analysis to diagnose cases of TMJ disorder. Of all the way that TMJ disorder can be diagnosed, joint vibration analysis is one of the most comfortable and trustworthy, in addition to be non-invasive.

Here’s how joint vibration analysis works.

When you come to our Topeka office, Dr. Michel will slip something that looks like a pair of headphones over your head. They’re not headphones, of course—they’re actually sensors, and we’ll use them to measure how well your temporomadibular joints are functioning.


By listening for friction between the bones and cartilage of your joints. As you open and close your mouth, these sensors will be listening for anything out of the ordinary that might indicate a problem. Once we’ve collected all the data we need, Dr. Michel can scrutinize it more closely and continue to screen you if necessary.

In all, joint vibration analysis takes only a few seconds to complete and has proven to be an effective means of screening and diagnosing patients. If you’re concerned that you might have a TMJ disorder, call Michel Dental today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Michel. We serve patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan, and surrounding areas.

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