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Effective Relief from Sleep Apnea and Snoring

July 31, 2012

Filed under: Sleep Apnea — Tags: , , , , , , , — tntadmin @ 7:16 am

Does snoring or sleep apnea keep you or your partner from enjoying a restful night of sleep? At Michel Dental, we hate to see any of our patients struggle with such a common but underdiagnosed problem. So to help our patients in the Topeka area overcome snoring and sleep apnea, Dr. Michel offers treatment with the patented Oasys Sleep Snoring Device.

You may be wondering, though, why—not to mention how—the Oasys Sleep Snoring Device treats sleep apnea and snoring?

The reason is simple: sleep apnea and snoring often go hand-in-hand. There are always exceptions, of course, but many cases of sleep apnea are caused by the blockage of important airways, whether by the tongue or the lower jaw. The snoring sound we’re all so familiar with is a secondary result of this blockage, after trouble breathing.

A custom-made Oasys Sleep Snoring Device works by repositioning the lower jaw or tongue to keep airways open throughout the night, putting a stop to both the snoring and the breathing problems caused by sleep apnea.

Have you previously been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are in need of treatment? Does your partner complain about your loud snoring? Call Michel Dental today to find out how Dr. Michel and our team can help. We gladly serve patients from Topeka, Emporia, Lawrence, Manhattan and beyond.


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